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Happy Mothers’ Day

This week end we celebrated my 10th Mothers’day. What a journey it has been since the first one. I could have never imagined the overwhelming feelings motherhood surrounds you with, the joyful moments my kids fill my life with, and the beauty spell they cast on the simplest thing.
Of course some days I wish they were a bit less energetic or noisy or demanding… But when your little boy reads you the poem he wrote for you and your daughter gives you the prettiest toilet paper bracelet, you can only melt.
Guys, you are my rock, my life and the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me.
I love you forever.

Buckwheat Budha bowl

Do you love cooking but feel sometimes you don’t want to ?
Well I felt like last diner and still wanted something fresh, nutritious and yum.
Opened my fridge and compiled a pretty Budha bowl with left overs.
Starting batch cooking definitely changed my life !
Find out more in there recipe link below.
Enjoy πŸ™‚

Decadent Pink smoothie bowl

If you crave for chocolate for breakfast, then this bowl if for you !
Dark vegan chocolate (above 70% cocoa) is actually super good (in reasonable quantities πŸ™‚ for you, loaded with magnesium and definitely a good mood food.
Combine it with fresh fruits and you get a super satisfying morning smoothie bowl to see life in pink.

Recipe hereΒ  Enjoy!

Post work out Smoothie

Intense morning run today. Usually I will drink lots of iced red tea or cold press a juice, but today I was in a smoothie mood.
I decided to make a delicious avocado, banana, almond butter blend.
Super yum and loaded with the proteins, good fats and potassium.

Recipe is there if you want to try πŸ™‚

Avocado Miso savory porridge

In Singapore the local food courts – Hawker centers – are packed all day long, starting with breakfast where you can find noodles, ramen, fried rice, eggs any style… and porridges.

So this morning I thought I would try a savory oat porridge for breakkie for a change. I twisted it with a Japanese umami flavor, using miso and gomasio.

Only 10 min to prepare and super yummy, nutritious and colorful.

You can even prepare it the night before and reheat it in the morning.
Follow the link to get the full recipe.

Enjoy and don’t forget to rate this recipe and share your comments if you try it.

Plums and spice roasted nuts porridge

This morning I decided to make an easy breakfast using some of the remaining plum compote I had made for the kids. I toppedΒ overnight oats with this beautiful red sauce, added some cinnamon roasted pecans and pumpkin seeds, a dollop of plant based yogurt and pomegranate.

What a treat to start the day.

Get the full recipe

Bliss balls fever

I don’t know if you snack, but I do πŸ™‚

I am like the kids, I guess, I still need my 4 o clock little treat to fuel me until diner time.

Usually it will be a fruit, or a juice, and maybe a few activated raw nuts.

But if I really need energy I will go for bliss balls.

Today I could not make up my mind, so I made 3 different varieties:

Apricot and tahini, Fig and hazelnuts, Date and cacao

Let me know the one you prefer πŸ™‚

Bliss balls fever


Vegan vanilla dream smoothie

Feeling a bit low in energy this morning …. But still willing to do my 1 hour run.
I made myself this energy booster to have a meal on the go, super easy to digest, rich in slow carbs, proteins and magnesium, and terribly yummy.

If you love vanilla flavor and creamy smoothies, this one could become a regular on your menu.

Have a look at the recipe below and tell me what you think πŸ™‚

Vegan vanilla dream smoothie