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Browsing Tag: buckwheat

Super Healthy GF Granola Bites

Hi there ! so if you follow me on Insta, you know we all love Granola at home and I bake it all the time for ourselves or on order. I also keep on trying new flavours and combos to improve texture and taste. I have a few really decadent ones (ok still much healthier then most of the commercial ones you can find, even in health food stores πŸ™‚ but sometimes I also want to have the really crunchy nutritious healthy bite to eat on its own or with some plant yogurt and fruits. Something that will be different from a simple nuts handful and yet not as sweet as a regular granola.

Most granolas will require quite a fair amount of oil and sweetener to bind the grains and nuts together. If you want to decrease some of it, you can try banana/apple or even pumpkin sauce as a binder. But it can affect texture and taste (for those who don’t like banana like my mum :). For these crunchy bites, I used flax meal as a binder and it helped me decrease to a minimum the oil amount. Also those bring a nice nutty flavor and are loaded in healthy Omega 3 !! As for the sweet tooth, I give you some flexibility in the recipe below (I personally like it not so sweet, my kids prefer much sweeter πŸ™‚ Cacao is optional but really recommended for it’s flavour and also nutritional goodness. Ensure though you buy unsweetened cacao and not highly processed dutch coco powder. Give it a go and let me know your thoughts. And if you are not looking for such a healthy granola, look for my other recipes on the blog. In any case, enjoy and bake food that do you good but also makes you feel good and that you look forward to eat !!


  • 260 g oats (rolled or steel cut)
  • 50 g buckwheat
  • 45 g hazelnuts +20 g almonds chopped
  • 55 g pumpkin seeds, roughly chopped + 20 g sunflower seeds
  • 40 g flax seeds
  • 25 g liquid coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil
  • 185 g water
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2,5 tbsp cacao powder
  • 65 g coconut sugar (50 if you have less of a sweet tooth / 80 to 90 g if you feel like a little sweeter granola)
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt (adjust to your taste but a pinch is good)


  1. Preheat the oven at 120Β°C fan forced
  2. Put in your food processor your flax seeds + 35g oats + sugar + cacao + water, oil and spices. Give a good stir and leave aside for 10 min to get your flax seeds to absorb some water
  3. Put all your remaining ingredients in a large bowl and stir to combine them.
  4. Mixer at high speed your ingredients in the food processor until you get a creamy texture (that’s what you are going to use to bind your oats, buckwheat and nuts)
  5. Transfer it to your bowl and combine well unit evenly mixed.
  6. Spread it on baking tray layered with baking paper and put in your oven for 30 min. At this stage you can already break down your clusters (I make really big ones to eat these bites a bit like a granola bar πŸ™‚ but you can make small clusters too !
  7. Ensure your layer is even and thin to ensure you’ll get crunchy clusters (otherwise if too thin it will still be moist in the center of the clusters)
  8. Flip your granola layer after 30 min and put it for another round of 30 /45 min.
  9. Check it is well baked and crunchy and leave it to cool down totally before transferring to an airtight container to keep for a few weeks or in your freezer for a few months.
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Sof Vegan and Gluten Free Chocolate Cookies

Hi there ! If you are not vegan and/ or GF, you will already be probably super scared by these cookies description πŸ™‚ I can see the disapproval look on your face as you imagine something weird, complicated to bake and not satisfying πŸ™‚ well I ‘ll disappoint you with this recipe ! They are not like the crusty chewy cookies you get from cookie shops though. They are super soft and moist. I don’t claim to be a cookie expert, but for that category of cookies, I feel they do a good job, and my Leopold actually likes them a lot ! And then when you look at the ingredients list, apart from the white sugar (I have reduced vs std cookies recipes) there is noting bad in there actually !

I let you decide as you have the recipe below with a few twists to change flavours. Happy Healthy Baking and keep me posted.


– 150 g brown rice flour (can substitue with white rice, but I prefer brow rice flour / nuttier taste and also more interesting from a nutrition standpoint πŸ™‚

– 150 g buckwheat flour

– 100 g unsweetened almond butter (or use peanut or tahini. Peanut will give a strong flavour though)

– 100 g coconut oil (use unrefined, you won’t taste it)

– 5 tbsp almondΒ milk unsweetened (or oat or coconut milk)

– 2 tbsp almond flour

– 100 g sugar (I don’t like using refined sugar, but for cookies it does work better usually, you can substitute with brown sugar, but will affect the texture)

– 40 g brown sugar

– 150 chocolate chips (I use min 60% dark chocolate chips, but choose according to your kids sweet tooth)

– 0,5 tbsp psyllium powder (can not replace by anything else, sorry πŸ™‚

– 50 g water

– 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

– 1/2 tsp cinnamon

– Pinch of salt


Mix your psyllium and watter, stir well and set aside.

Mix together your wet ingredients, then add your psullyium & water mix. Whisk well.

Mix together your dry ingredients, except the chocolate chips.

Combine your wet and dry ingredients, and add the chocolate chips to finish.

Put your dough in the fridge to rest and be easier to scoop.

In the meantime, preheat your oven at 175Β°C fan forced;

Scoop your cookie balls using a heaped tbps or ice cream scoop (usualy mine are around 50/55 g for large cookies). 

Transfer your cookie balls to your baking tray lined with baking paper, and press a little. Leave some space in between each cookie, and put your tray in the oven for 14 min (cookies should be cracked, with slightly browned colored top)    

Let it cool and eat πŸ™‚ or store in airtight container to keep for a few days.

Note: those cookies are supposed to be soft ! not like usual crispy chewy cookies !