Wether you are in the mood for a brunch or a quick and easy lunch, those frittatas are meant for you !
Light and fluffy, thanks to the use of a rich ricotta filling, vegetarian, gluten free and nutritious with the addition of crispy quinoa, they are terribly yummy !
Quick and easy recipe just below !
INGREDIENTS (serves 4)
100 grs uncooked quinoa
8 big free range eggs
200 grs ricotta
200 grs halved cherry tomatoes
2 crushed garlic cloves
2 chopped spring onions
A handfull chopped basil leaves
2 tsp fresh thyme
Salt and cracked pepper
Preheat the oven to 180°C fan forced.
Cook the quinoa, rinse and drain
Combine the eggs, garlic and ricotta in a bowl and stir well
Add the herbs, onions, tomatoes and 2/3 quinoa
Season with salt and pepper
Pour un muffin tins lined with paper cases. Top with the remaining quinoa
Bake for 25/30 minutes (should be golden)
Eat hot or at room temperature, with green leaves salad, or a nice sauce (avocado green dressing, tomato sauce, pesto....)
Note: can keep for 2 days in the fridge. You can also play with different herbs to vary flavors