Hey, how do you feel today ? Craving for something light and healthy for breakfast, and yet wouldn't mind a bit of chocolate ? I have the ideal smoothie combo for you :) Cauliflower smoothie :) First time, already in love ! My kids did not try to dare when I informed them I used blanched frozen cauliflower to make it though...Ah! Ah ! So if you want your family to try, don't tell them upfront maybe :) As I mixed the cauliflower with blueberries, raw cacao powder, protein powder and almond milk, the taste was very balanced, with the subtle combo of red fruits and cacao.The cauliflower brought that creaminess you usually get from bananas without the overwhelming flavour of bananas. Recipe is just here should you dare to give it a try :)
3/4 cup frozen blanched cauliflower
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 tbsp chia seeds
1 to 1,5 tbsp cacao powder (depending on your chocolate craving :)
1 tbsp vegan protein flour (optional)
1/2 to 1 cup almond milk (according to consistency you want)
1 to 2 dates soaked in the almond milk for 10 min Put all the ingredients in your high speed blender adding the milk gradually until you reach the proper creamy, silky texture. Top with homemade granola, vanilla cashew cream (recipes on the blog), milled puffs, raw cocoa nibs, melon seeds, ... Anything you like actually and enjoy !